CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically

Throughout this unit, you will learn about the legislation which governs businesses and Children's Services within Australia. As an Educator, you are required to implement a centre’s policies and procedures and have an awareness of legislation in Australia.

In this unit, we will be referencing a number of important documents. As an Educator, you will use these to govern your policies and practices. You will also need to be able to research and find them. This unit will assist you with using the internet to locate current legislation, developing your understanding of what a policy is, how to implement them and following policies and practices and adhere to national regulations and standards.

CHCECE004 Promote and Provide Healthy Food and Drinks

As an Educator, our role includes not only providing healthy food and drinks to young children but extends to communicating with families and children about healthy food options and physical health.

During this unit you will learn about the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, outlining children’s nutritional requirements and how to use these to consider children’s cultural and developmental eating habits, policy development and how as Early Childhood Educators we can communicate with families about nutrition.

The information in this unit covers all aspects of best practice related to Safe Food Handling.

CHCECE009 Use an Approved Learning Framework to Guide Practice

In this unit we will investigate frameworks and how you can use them to implement practices which support children’s development and assist them to develop a love of lifelong learning and achieve high outcomes for their future as adults.

‘Ongoing learning’ is one of the major principles of frameworks. The one thing in life that is constant, is change. As an Educator, throughout your career, you will need to adapt to change and learn the skills of reflecting and questioning your practice and researching latest pedagogy (theories about teaching and practice) to ensure you stay up to date. In this unit you will learn the skills of researching, using National documents and reflecting on your own practice.

CHCECE016 Establish and Maintain a Safe and Healthy Environment for Children

Keeping children safe is reflected in the environment we provide for them. In this unit, you will develop and demonstrate knowledge to competently establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children.

Assessment for Learning (CHCECE023 + CHCECE013)

Children’s learning is supported when they are engaged in meaningful experiences which extend their knowledge, skills and interests. As Early Childhood Educators, it is our responsibility to plan meaningful experiences for young children by By getting to know and understand each child in our care. During this unit, you will learn how to professionally observe young children’s behaviour and play. You will learn to use a variety of methods to record information and learn how to analyse and use what you see to plan meaningful experiences.

BSBLED401 Develop Teams and Individuals

Professional development is vital to an organisation’s growth and sustainability. This unit works to explain the group processes, dynamics, roles and goals of teams and individuals, and how to motivate them. This unit has been written with a focus on Children's Services.

CHCECE002 Ensure the Health and Safety of Children

Throughout this unit you will develop skills in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, responding to children with signs of illness, providing a safe environment for children, supervising children, travelling safely with children, safety on excursions, appropriate administration of medication and responding to allergy/ anaphylaxis in children.

CHCECE003 Provide Care for Children

During this unit you will learn the knowledge and skills required to ensure children’s physical and emotional wellbeing is maintained and their self-sufficiency is nurtured.

CHCECE005 Provide Care for Babies and Toddlers

During this learning unit you will learn about providing care to babies and toddlers, developing nurturing and secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships and how to support babies and toddlers' learning.

CHCECE007 Develop Positive and Respectful Relationships with Children

What kind of Educator do you want to be? What kind of relationships would you like to have with children? How would you like to support their learning?

Secure, respectful relationships are the cornerstone of children’s learning. When we feel safe and secure and trust those around us, we are able to relax and learn. This learning guide discusses the importance of positive, respectful and reciprocal relationships and provides you with a range of strategies to assist you to develop meaningful relationships.

CHCECE011 Provide Experiences to Support Children's Play and Learning

Early Childhood Educators recognise the importance of play. In this unit, you will look thoroughly at the types of play, and the characteristics and categories of play. We will look at the importance of the environment that we provide for children, recognising that this is the landscape for all that occurs within a Children’s Service. Within this unit you will be developing your understanding of how to design safe, functional, challenging and aesthetically appealing environments for young children.

CHCECE018 Nuture Creativity in Children

What is creativity? Is it the ability to be covered in paint, making sculptures or writing poetry, or is it a different way of thinking?

In this unit we will investigate creativity and how it is developed. We will look at your role as an Educator in nurturing children’s creativity through your intentional teaching including the physical environment, the implementation of a range of play experiences, and your interactions.

CHCECE019 Faciliate Compliance in an Education and Care Service

In this unit we will investigate the National Quality Framework and the National Quality Standards that call for a strong dedication to quality and, more importantly, an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. We will discuss strategies on how you can use this national framework to implement current practices which support children’s development and assist them to develop positive long term outcomes and a love of lifelong learning.

CHCECE020 Establish and Implement Plans for Developing Cooperative Behaviour

As humans, we often communicate our feelings through our behaviour. If we are sad we may cry, or if angry we may shout. As adults, we have learned that some behaviour is not acceptable in our society, such as hitting or hurting others. Children are learning to manage their emotions and behaviour. Behaviour is a child’s way of communicating their emotions.

During your career as an Educator, you will meet many children with challenging behaviours. This is behaviour that does not appear to respond to the standard intentional teaching strategies we implement on a daily basis. As an Educator you will need to find strategies that work for individual children. To do this, we need to first identify what the child is trying to communicate through their behaviour. In this unit, you will learn the tools to accurately observe and analyse a child’s behaviour, possible reasons for the behaviour and how to develop and implement a positive guidance plan which supports the development of cooperative behaviour.

CHCECE021 Implement Strategies for the Inclusion of All Children

Inclusion means that all children, regardless of their ability, background or circumstances are given the chance to play, learn and interact together. In Early Childhood education, the aim of creating an inclusive environment ensures that all children are supported, valued, and provided with equal opportunity to access services and learning experiences.

When Educators make curriculum decisions with the aim of inclusion, they base their decisions on what they know about each child and their strengths, needs, interests and abilities. They apply that knowledge to planned learning experiences, routines, interactions and the physical environment. This unit will teach you how to implement strategies for the inclusion of all children.

CHCECE025 Embed Sustainable Practices in Service Operations

During this Learning Guide, you will explore sustainability and the inclusion of sustainable practices in Early Childhood and School Age Care settings.

CHCECE026 Work in Partnership with Families to Provide Appropriate Education and Care

The term ‘partnership’ refers to a mutual respect and equality between two people. Partnership with parents can only exist when there is equality in the relationship which stems from mutual respect and there is a shared goal for the wellbeing of the children. Working with children and their families is an essential aspect of your role as an Educator. As you embrace the concept of parent partnerships you will feel the positive effects immediately. As an Early Childhood Educator you have much to offer and to learn from parents.

CHCPRP003 Reflect On and Improve Own Professional Practices

Updated for 2022
‘Ongoing learning’ is one of the major principles of frameworks. The one thing in life that is constant, is change. As an Educator, throughout your career you will need to adapt to change and learn the skills of reflecting and questioning your practice and researching latest pedagogy (theories about teaching and practice) to ensure you stay up to date. In this unit you will learn the skills of reflecting upon your practice, the ability to operate within an agreed code of ethics and National Standards; developing both professional and personal networks including supports.

Designing High Quality Early Childhood Programs (CHCECE022 + CHCECE024)

This learning guide combines all of your knowledge so far in the course to assist you in learning to design a curriculum based on the National Quality Framework which supports children’s learning and their sense of agency.

Develop Cultural Competence (3 Units)

What is cultural competence? How do we develop cultural competence and why is it important? In these units you will have an opportunity to analyse your own current cultural competence and critically analyse the beliefs and values you hold as an individual and how these may affect your communication and work with others.

In this unit we will discuss reconciliation and your role as an Educator in closing the gap between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Australians. This includes developing an understanding of historical policies which have impacted on Aboriginal families and the current cultural beliefs and values of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

HLTWHS001 Participate in WHS

Updated 2022

In this unit we will examine the legislative requirements of WHS, gain a better understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a worker and identify correct procedures for reporting and addressing hazards in a children’s service.

HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health and Safety

Throughout this unit you will develop knowledge of work, health and safety (WHS) legislation and how it impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice and best practice standards.

Understanding Children's Holistic Development

This Learning Guide is all about child development and is very important as it provides the basis of everything we do in Early Childhood Education. It covers the following units:

It provides the foundation and knowledge you will later use to create exciting, meaningful experiences to support young children’s learning. During this unit, you will discover multiple theories on how we grow and develop. You will also learn, in depth, about the knowledge and skills that children develop between the ages of 0-6 years and the ways in which you are able to support and extend their development as an Early Childhood Educator.
