by Karen Atkinson – Childcare Resources Australia Whilst hygiene is an important aspect of nappy changing, this one-on-one routine also proves a unique opportunity to support the child’s development and build meaningful relationships. It is crucial for educators and carers to use the time in these tasks to interact with children to form secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. Can you imagine a scenario where an educator participates in a routine with a baby and doesn’t use any language? It’s hard to do isn’t it! Rhymes such as “Round and Round the Garden” and “This Little Piggy” are part of baby routines that many of us can remember from our own childhood. Interactions such as this encourage children to enjoy the fun of language and see that language can be playful. If you watch an experienced educator changing a nappy you may notice that he or she talks to the baby and pauses before continuing to speak, encouraging the baby to turn take, using receptive and expressive language in conversation. Routine times provide an ideal opportunity for describing actions and objects and assisting with the development of the child’s vocabulary. CHCECE032 Nurture Babies and Toddlers